In November 1974 a research group formed by scientists from several European countries landed in Lisbon.
The leader of this group was the controversial psychologist Solomon Hoffman. Away from the attention of the great universities, this group conducted an experience to which they called Hier sind wir.

It is known that, one night, an heterogeneous group of volunteers gathered in a theatre in Lisbon, believing that they were going to watch a show and had no knowledge of the experience that was about to be performed.
It is also known that several tapes were used to transmit instructions to the volunteer - spectators.

What might have really happened during the experience remains, since then, shrouded in mystery. There are those who say that the outcome was violent and unexpected but there are also those who believe that it was just a failure. It is thought that before leaving Portugal Solomon Hoffman destroyed almost all of the experiment’s records and dismantled the research group.

Four decades later, the artists Ana Borralho & João Galante heard about this episode during a tour in Basel. They were presenting Atlas, a play performed by 100 people from each city in which it is presented.
In Basel, one of these participants identified herself as being the granddaughter of Solomon Hoffman, ending up revealing to the artists what she believes to be the series of cassettes used during the experience.
Now, in Here we are, Ana Borralho & João Galante use the content of those same tapes to try and reconstitute with the audience what took place in that night in 1974.
Tiago Rodrigues

Concept, artistic direction and light design _Ana Borralho & João Galante Dramaturgy_Tiago Rodrigues Artistic consultant_Fernando J. Ribeiro Artistic collaboration_Catarina Gonçalves, Cláudio da Silva, Ana Freitas, Elizabete Francisca, Matthieu Ehrlacher, Tiago Gandra Sound_Coolgate Music_Coolgate, Brian Eno, Janis Joplin, Jankenpopp, White Stripes Light consultant_Thomas Walgrave Translation and text revision_Mónica Samões and José Pelicano Production Manager_Mónica Samões Executive production_Maria João Garcia, Andrea Sozzi Production_casaBranca Co-production_Maria Matos Teatro Municipal - A project Create to Connect supported by Programa Cultura da União Europa Support_Forum Dança, O Rumo do Fumo, Schweppes Thanks to_alunos do PEPCC - Programa de Estudo, Pesquisa e Criação Coreográfica 2013/2014 do Forum Dança, Ana Maria Silva, David Leitão, Inês Felizardo, Iolanda Galinha, João Ribeiro, Luís Godinho, Mafalda Santos, Manuela Araujo, Maria Eugénia Pereira, Mark Deputter, Miguel Cardoso, Miguel Viegas, Patricia Coveiro, Rui Catalão, Sezen Tonguz, Sofia Dinger, Susana Menezes

Duration: 105 min.
©Leonor Fonseca